The Urban Connection Project defines Cultural Responsiveness as the bridge between people built by the infusion of cultural experiences necessary to:
We use our carefully crafted Progress Monitoring Assessment tool to determine areas of celebration & areas of refinement through our own observations, as well as the self-evaluation of the faculty, administrators and support staff. Then we continue to monitor & adjust based on findings.
We provide a tailored, interactive and immediately implementable professional development experience based on the determined areas of support, as well as the overall vision for improvement. Professional Development can also be provided to support a product purchase.
We extend our professional development into one-on-one or small cohort mentorship opportunities in order to address more specific needs and provide more hands-on coaching, modeling and/or planning.
Click below to set up a meeting to discuss how we can support your goals and best serve your school, district or College of Education program!
We decided to launch this organization in 2014 after realizing the need for increased teacher support and teacher retention in urban schools. As passionate former teachers in inner-city schools in both Detroit, MI and Phoenix, AZ, we recognized that there were specific practices that successful teachers had in common, so we began to cultivate professional development opportunities around what we now call, Culturally Responsive Teaching. Using our B.S. in Elementary Education, B.S. in Secondary Education, and M.Ed. in Education Administration, along with additional research, trial and error, observation and application, we are proud to say that we have successfully mentored schools, school districts and college of education programs to becoming more culturally responsive educators who raise the odds of success for the students that they service.
Founders & Lead Consultants for The Urban Connection Project
With our client schools we have:
and so much more!
The Urban Connection Project was instrumental to the continued success of our students and schools! From the moment we met them, their warm and approachable personalities put us and staff at ease. Teachers have been receptive to their teachings, specifically taking a look at our own cultures and backgrounds and how that impacts our relationships with students. Their professional development opportunities around culturally responsive teaching practices are spot on, relevant, and critical to the work we do. We have seen changes in systems, reductions in discipline referrals, and a move toward rigorous teaching which is what all of our students need and deserve. This is a valued partnership that we hope continues for a long time to come!
Alexis Wilson, Assistent Superintendent
The Urban Connection Project is helping the Campbell Elementary school community support our goal/focus to improve student-staff relationships. We recognized that we were suspending too many students who were challenging our teachers. We knew that we should be doing better and recognized the importance of supporting a restorative justice ideology when revising our continuous improvement plan. The Urban Connection Project has been supporting our teachers by first exploring/recognizing established counter productive patterns of student-teacher interaction for the purpose of generating ideas/strategies for moving to an improved relationship. This relationship is then supported with curriculum review/purposeful development as another means for making "connections" with all learners to make curriculum more relevant, particularly for those most at risk. With the support of The Urban Connection Project, our teachers are better supporting students at risk, exploring and refining practices and curriculum, and ultimately reducing disciplinary referrals/lost instructional time. It's a win-win process that is building community.
William Collins, Principal
The discussion was relevant and very on point with the issues regarding teachers and students in today's classrooms. The pre-service teachers were very engaged and eager to participate in a rich discussion on classroom management and the impact teachers have on student behavior. Videos, graphic organizers and structured dialogue were just some of the different approaches used in the presentation. I look forward to attending other presentations The Urban Connection Project has to offer!
Kat Valdivia, College of Education Professor
I wanted to thank you for sharing your ideas with us this past Friday. As mentioned, I was a little skeptical about our planned session but after spending time with you, I am now enlightened. The old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, is certainly not true in this case. I am excited about learning new strategies then implementing them. Thank you for your refreshing insight and knowledge of not only specific content areas but education as a whole. Your dedication to education and to our youth is very apparent.
David Casso, Teacher